SmartGov is an Enterprise Portal – E-Governance Workflow developed using J2EE (Struts, JSP, EJB) and Hibernate. This solution is being developed to provide e-governance services like birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, driving license, etc. online. The solution involves providing appropriate interfaces to all the stakeholders of various stages of the activities from registration and initial submission of application to issue of certificate.
The citizens, business and government personnel avail the services online through the internet as well as through the Citizen Service Centers (CSC). The services request travels over the internet or intranet and is received by the ‗E-Governance‘ portal which after ensuring registration, authentication and verification authorizes the transaction which moves the request to one of the e-Government applications. The application interacts with the appropriate departmental applications / databases to complete the transaction. Where payment is concerned additional modules of payment gateway, card authorization, etc. are connected and after approval the transaction is passed through. All transactions are routed through the National Data Center on to the departments or are completed at the National Data Center itself through online payments.
This covers almost all functional areas of educational institutions and the same can be extended to Mobile and Tablet technologies also.
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